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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Group: Mass Agency 

Group: Mass Agency 

ETV (M-3081) is owned by Imerge Media which is owned by Mass Agency. Imerge Media is owned by the wife of the owner of Mass Agency and the company is also owned by Mass Agency. The radio Ikh Mongol FM 99.7 (M-3048) is fully owned by Mass Agency Group; both are fully owned by Mr. Davaabayar Ch.History of the Mass Agency Group: In 2006 Bilegt Dulguun LLC was established to operate in manufacturing, printing, book and magazine editing, hotel, catering, restaurants, and communication sectors. First executive director of the company was [Enkh-Amgalan. He is a long-term partner of the President of the Group Davaabayar Ch.] ( Dulguun LLC used to manage and publish TV Suvag television program newspaper, Info TV and Udshyin Shivnee magazines, ETV channel, and Ikh Mongol FM 99.7. In 2012, it expanded its scope of operation establishing Hot News magazine and web-portal, becoming Ekh Goyot Media Group. Moreover, it also expanded its operations, changing its name to Mass Agency and taking the motto “To support resource creators”. In total, there are 8 media tools under the agency’s umbrella, including 2 televisions, 3 magazines, 2 radios, and a website. The agency newly established Mass TV channel, web-portal, Information auto radio FM105.5, Teenagers magazine. The group has been providing global and domestic real-time news to its users on a daily basis. Mass Agency Group also owns Imerge Media LLC, Best Info Media LLC, New Social Media LLC, and Chugu LLC. These companies manage the following media tools:1. IMerge Media LLC - ETV1, ETV2, Mass TV channels2. Best Info Media LLC – Info TV News, Hot news, Pixel photo studio3. New Social media LLC – Mass.mn4. Chugu LLC – Ikh Mongol FM 99,7, News auto radio 105,5Beyond the media sector, the group also owns Noyon Pizza, 19001950 hotline, and call taxi service companies.The President of the Group is Davaabayar Ch. His wife, Munkhjargal.N fully owns and is General Director of IMerge Media LLC. The Director of Chugu LLC is Enkh-Amgalan B. who is said to be very close to Davaabayar.Ch.

Key facts

Mother Company

Mass Agency

Business Form


Legal Form


Business Sectors

In total, there are 8 media tools under the agency’s umbrella, including 2 televisions, 3 magazines, 2 radios, and a website. The agency newly established Mass TV channel, web-portal, Information auto radio FM105.5, Teenagers magazine. Mass Agency Group also owns Imerge Media LLC, Best Info Media LLC, New Social Media LLC, and Chugu LLC. These companies manage the following media tools: 1. IMerge Media LLC - ETV1, ETV2, Mass TV channels 2. Best Info Media LLC – Info TV News, Hot news, Pixel photo studio 3. New Social media LLC – 4. Chugu LLC – Ikh Mongol FM 99,7, News auto radio 105,5 Beyond the media sector, the group also owns Noyon Pizza, 19001950 hotline, and call taxi service companies.


Mr.Davaabayar Ch  

Davaabayar Ch. was running for the Democratic Party (DP) in the Parliamentary Elections 2016 in the 20th district of Uvurkhangai Province. However, he resigned from his Party member ship and election candidature on 2 June.
It is said that he is close to the former Parliament Speaker and Leader of the Democratic Party Enkhbold Z.
He used to work as the Director of the Mongolian National Broadcaster 2012-2013, until the National Council of Mongolian National Broadcaster decided to relieve him from the position due to a [petition that stated he had “conflicts of interest” signed by over 150 employees of the organization] (
He is a member of the Media Council of Mongolia and President of the Head of the Committee of Zuunbayan-Ulaan soum.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Teenagers magazine

Other TV Outlets

ETV1, ETV2, Mass TV channel, Info TV News, Hot news,

Other Radio Outlets

Ikh Mongol FM 99,7, News auto radio 105,5

Other Online Outlets web-portal,


Media Business

In total, there are 8 media tools under the agency’s umbrella, including 2 televisions, 3 magazines, 2 radios, and a website. The agency newly established Mass TV channel, web-portal, Information auto radio FM105.5, Teenagers magazine.
Mass Agency Group also owns Imerge Media LLC, Best Info Media LLC, New Social Media LLC, and Chugu LLC. These companies manage the following media tools:
1. IMerge Media LLC - ETV1, ETV2, Mass TV channels
2. Best Info Media LLC – Info TV News, Hot news, Pixel photo studio
3. New Social media LLC –
4. Chugu LLC – Ikh Mongol FM 99,7, News auto radio 105,5


Beyond the media sector, the group also owns Noyon Pizza, 19001950 hotline, and call taxi service companies.

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year



Initially the company was called Bilegt Dulguun LLC and the first executive director of the company was Enkh-Amgalan. He is a long-term partner of the now President of the Group Davaabayar Ch. In 2012 the company was renamed Mass Agency.

Affiliated Interests Founder

Missing Data


Missing Data


Mass Agency

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Missing Data

Non-Executive Board

Chairman Davaabayar Ch

Supervisory Board

Missing Data

Other Influential People

It is said that he is close to the former Parliament Speaker and Leader of the Democratic Party Enkhbold Z.
He used to work as the Director of the Mongolian National Broadcaster 2012-2013, until the National Council of Mongolian National Broadcaster decided to relieve him from the position due to a [petition that stated he had “conflicts of interest” signed by over 150 employees of the organization] (
He is a member of the Media Council of Mongolia and President of the Head of the Committee of Zuunbayan-Ulaan soum.

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

1 ♥

Meta Data

Representatives of the leading media tools, ETV and FM 99.7 both sent a completely filled MOM questionnaire. Even the revenue information of the owner IMerge Media LLC was provided. However, no information was provided on the parent company Mass Agency. Also, there is no information regarding the shareholders of the group.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia Document ID-1; Web search and interview with radio journalist; MOM Questionnaire; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by