Group: Mongol News Group

Mongol News Group fully owns company Mongol News Co Ltd which owns the newspaper Unoodor. The group also owns JAAG Co Ltd which owns TV channel MN 25. Journalists Baldorj Tserendorj built the foundation of the Mongol News group by publishing Unoodor newspaper in 1994. He also founded the MN 25 television channel with co-investment of his partners and expanded the company’s operation to become a media group. The group has diverse media tools aimed at children, sports, and leisure time. In recent years, the group has been working towards merging electronic journalism with conventional journalism. The mission of the group is to become the leader in all relevant sectors through ethical and moral operations, and to contribute to the society through creativity and innovation. Mongol News group was the first privately owned media organization of Mongolia and is one the leading media service providers in the market. The group owns Unoodor daily newspaper (Media ID-3003), the weekend issue of the Unoodor newspaper called Nyam Garig, the English language UB Post newspaper, the television channel MN 25 (M-3071), the news web-portal, and ABM Company for publishing and distribution services, CAC Pictures Studio, the Baldorj Fund, MN Duty free, Ulaanbaatar-MN duty free, and other publishing houses. Following the death of the founder of Mongol News group, Baldorj.Ts, his daughter Nandintushig Baldorj took over his positions to continue the business. Various sources indicate that family members of Nandintushig B own shares in Ulaanbaatar Hotel, Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort, and UB-Hotel-Golf elite golf course located within the Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort. The amount of ownership could not be verified.
Mother Company
Mongol News Group
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
The group owns Unoodor daily newspaper (Media ID-3003), the weekend issue of the Unoodor newspaper called Nyam Garig, the English language UB Post newspaper, the television channel MN 25 (M-3071), the news web-portal, and ABM Company for publishing and distribution services, CAC Pictures Studio, the Baldorj Fund, MN Duty free, Ulaanbaatar-MN duty free, and other publishing houses. Various sources indicate that family members of Nandintushig B own shares in Ulaanbaatar Hotel, Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort, and UB-Hotel-Golf elite golf course located within the Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort. The amount of ownership could not be verified.
Ms. B. Nandintushig
Unlike her father Baldorj Ts, who founded the Mongol News Group, Ms. Nandintushig B is not affiliated with any political party. She inherited the company in 2007 when her father died.
Other Print Outlets
Unoodor newspaper (M-3003), Nyam Garig newspaper, UB Post newspaper English newspaper.
Other TV Outlets
Mongol News Group owns JAAG LLC which owns MN 25 television channel. JAAG LLC is owned by Nandintushig B (O-3005), Tuya D (O-3072), Altai Z (O-3073), Namuujin A (O-3074), GalsandorjD (O-3075), Jargalsaikhan L (O-3076). The number of their shares are unknown.
Other Online Outlets
News web portal
Media Business
Unoodor newspaper (M-3003), Nyam Garig newspaper, UB Post newspaper English newspaper. Mongol News Group owns JAAG LLC which owns MN 25 television channel. JAAG LLC is owned by Nandintushig B (O-3005), Tuya D (O-3072), Altai Z (O-3073), Namuujin A (O-3074), GalsandorjD (O-3075), Jargalsaikhan L (O-3076). The number of their shares are unknown.
News web portal. ABM LLC LLC Media distribution and sales. Publishing house LLC.
MN Duty free Trade and services. Ulaanbaatar-MN duty free Trade and services.
Various sources indicate that family members of Nandintushig B own shares in Ulaanbaatar Hotel, Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort, and UB-Hotel-Golf elite golf course located within the Ulaanbaatar-2 Tourism resort. The amount of ownership could not be verified.
Missing Data
General Information
Founding Year
Baldorj Tserendorj
Affiliated Interests Founder
The founder of the group, Baldorj.Ts, who died in 2007, used to work for the second President of Mongolia, Bagabandi N. He also was Director of the Erdenet copper mine for many years. It is said that he had very close ties with former Member of Parliament Otgonbileg Sh.
Missing Data
“Mongol News”, +976-11-330801,
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Chairman of the Board of Directors: Nandintushig B. Executive Director: Nomitushig B, sibling of Nandintushig B.
Non-Executive Board
Missing Data
Supervisory Board
Missing Data
Further Information
Meta Data
Only information regarding the Unoodor newspaper was completed in MOM survey. No information of the group was provided. MOM team made 4 phone inquiries. Information has been collected from open sources.
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