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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Group: National News Corporation  

Group: National News Corporation  

ZGMM LLC established Zasgyn Gazryn Medee newspaper in 2014. ZGMM LLC is owned by the National News Corporation LLC, which was founded in 2011 under the name TDB Media. The company TBD Media was later named the National News Corporation LLC which is owned by the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia LLC (TDB).National News corporation LLC also owns Bloomberg TV Mongolia television and Forbes Mongolia magazine. The shares of the Trade Development Bank are owned by: 65.83 percent of shares owned by Globull Investment & Development SCA (Globull). 7.32 percent owned by US Global Investment LLC (Global). 19.95 percent by United Banking Corporation LLC (UBC). 4.78 percent of shares are owned by bank employees and other individuals.

Key facts

Mother Company

National News Corporation is owned by Trade Development Bank (TDB) Mongolia.

Business Form


Legal Form


Business Sectors

National News Corporation Media: Zasgiin Gazryn Medee newspaper, Bloomberg TV Mongolia, Forbes Mongolia Magazine, Financial Times Newspaper. Other business: TDB Leasing LLC (Financial leasing), TDB Capital LLC (Securities).


National News Corporation

National News Corporation LLC is owned by the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia LLC (TDB) which is owned by highly influental people with a lot of political affiliations. President of TDB is Medree B.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of TDB: Erdenebileg D.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

National News Corporation: Zasgiin Gazryn Medee newspaper,
Forbes Mongolia Magazine, Financial Times Newspaper.

Other TV Outlets

National News Corporation: Bloomberg TV Mongolia


Media Business

National News Corporation Media: Zasgiin Gazryn Medee newspaper, Bloomberg TV Mongolia,
Forbes Mongolia Magazine, Financial Times Newspaper.


National News Corporation: TDB Leasing LLC (Financial leasing),
TDB Capital LLC (Securities).

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year



ZGMM LLC established Zasgyn Gazryn Medee newspaper in 2014. ZGMM LLC is owned by the National News Corporation LLC, which is owned by the Trade Development Bank of Mongolia LLC (TDB).

Affiliated Interests Founder

National News Corporation LLC is owned by the Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia LLC (TDB) which is owned by highly influental people with a lot of political affiliations.




ZGMM Co Ltd Suite 407, Bluesky Tower, 1st khorooPeace Avenue, Sukhbaatar District

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

ZGMM LLC: Private advertising revenue: 860,000,000 tugriks. Public advertising revenue:40,000,000 tugriks.


Executive Board

President of TDB is Medree B.
Chairman of the Board of Directors of TDB: Erdenebileg D.
Other members of the TDB Board of Directors: Koppa R, Shagdarsuren Z, Tsolmon T, and Enkhbold Ch.
The Management team consists of: Koppa R (Executive Director of the Board of Directors), Medree B (President), Orkhon O (Executive Director), Gantuul P (General Auditor), Orgodol S (Deputy Executive Director), Soronzonbold L (Deputy Executive Director), Khurelbaatar D (Deputy Executive Director), Otgonbileg D (Deputy Executive Director).

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Missing Data

Other Influential People

TDB is owned by highly influential people with a lot of political affiliations. Precise data is not available.

Further Information


TDB made most recently in 2016 headlines as "
"New Phenomenon in Corruption".

Meta Data

Answering the MOM questionnaire was postponed by ZGMM LLC for 14 days due to the Director being on an overseas business trip. Then, the questionnaire was answered after visiting the office in person and making 3 phone inquiries.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia, (Document ID 1); “Засгийн газрын мэдээ” сонины 2016 оны 8, 9, 10 сарын дугаарууд; Худалдаа хөгжлийн банкны тухай;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by