Group: Seruuleg Construction LLC
Seruuleg Construction Co Ltd owns TV 8 and various other media which are not among the MOM top media. The whole group is owned by Mr. Bayarmunkh Sengee. The owner of Seruuleg Construction LLC, Bayarmunkh Sengee started his business career in 1993 with independent newspapers like Khaluun Khunjil, Gaikhmaaraa, and Seruuleg. He started his construction business in 1997. Seruuleg Construction LLC owns TV8 channel (M-3078), Voice of Mongolia FM 104, Seruuleg newspaper, and Mongolchuudyn Amidral newspaper. The company’s Executive Director Khulan Bayarmunkh is the daughter of Bayarmunkh S. In an [interview with the newspaper Ugluuny Sonin] ( in 2013, Bayarmunkh S explained: “Only since 1997 the first privatizations in Mongolia took place. … During that time Bayarsaikhan Sh, owner of (the trading company) Nomin Holding, and a friend of mine, the three of us bought a building for 310 million tugriks. 310 million tugriks were a huge amount of money in 1997. … That building in the 3rd and 4th micro districts (of Ulaanbaatar), returned our investment in only a year and a half. Since that time, I started buying land and got into construction business. Our first project was a 5-storey building located in the downtown area. After that, we had another building project in the 13th micro district. With the profit accumulated thanks to media, we completed several other building projects. We will not abandon the construction business. … “Orange Plaza”, a 10-storey building including the basement floor is my personal property. … I majored in journalism and own a media house. But the owners of other media houses are mostly politicians or businessmen”.
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
Seruuleg Construction LLC owns TV8 channel (M-3078), Voice of Mongolia FM 104, Seruuleg newspaper, and Mongolchuudyn Amidral newspaper. In addition the company operates various businesses in the construction sector and provides construction services ( ( .
Individual Owner
Mr.Bayarmunkh Sengee
Member of the Mongolian People’s Party and currently a member of the Council of Mongolian People’s Party. Former Director of Diplomatic services department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Other Print Outlets
Seruuleg newspaper
Other TV Outlets
Other Radio Outlets
Voice of Mongolia FM 104
Media Business
Seruuleg Construction LLC owns TV8 channel (M-3078), radio Voice of Mongolia FM 104, Seruuleg newspaper, and Mongolchuudyn Amidral newspaper.
In addition the company operates various businesses in the construction sector and provides construction services
Missing Data
General Information
Founding Year
1993 newspapers. 1997 Seruuleg Construction LLC
Bayarmunkh Sengee
Affiliated Interests Founder
Member of the Mongolian People’s Party. Member of the Council of Mongolian People’s Party. Former Director of Diplomatic services department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Seruuleg Construction LLCkhulan8899@yahoo.com70115212,
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Executive Director Khulan Bayarmunkh
Non-Executive Board
Missing Data
Supervisory Board
Chairman of the board
Bayarmunkh Sengee
Further Information
Meta Data
The company did not provide any information. It was difficult to collect information about the company. Open sources were used, though very little is publicly available.
Mongolian Media Today, Press Institute of Mongolia, 2016, Document ID-1;
Maxima LLC, TV Ratings 2016, Document ID-2; ; ; ; ;