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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Media Holding LLC / Escon LLC 

The television channel TV9 (M-3065) is owned by Media Holding LLC which is owned by Enkhtuya Nambar. She also owns the media company Zasgiin Medee LLC (C-3007) which owns the Zuuny Medee newspaper (M-3006). History of Media Holding LLC: The third President of Mongolia Enkhbayar N established a business consulting company called Escon LLC following his relief from the state leader’s position in 2009. 25 percent of the company was in the ownership of former Vice-Minister of Environment and Green Development Tulga B, and 75 percent of the company was owned by Enkhbayar N himself. Later, the ownership of this company was transferred to his younger sister Enkhtuya N.It is said that when Member of Parliament Munkh-Orgil Ts transferred his 500 shares of Media Holding company to Enkhbayar N’s sister Enkhtuya N, she [merged Escon with Media holding and invested in TV9 channel television and Zuuny Medee newspaper]( Holding LLC owns TV9 television channel I and channel II, and Zuuny Medee newspaper (M-3006), and 103.6 FM radio.

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form


Business Sectors

Media Holding LLC owns TV9 television channel I and channel II, and Zuuny Medee newspaper (M-3006), and 103.6 FM radio and the web-portal Engagement in other business sectors is not known.


Ms. Enkhtuya Nambar 

Ms. Enkhtuya Nambar is the younger sister of the Third President of Mongolia and leader of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP). She also owns the newspaper Zuuny Medee and their owner company Zasgiin Medee Co Ltd

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Zuuny Medee newspaper (M-3006)

Other TV Outlets

TV9 television channel I and channel II

Other Radio Outlets

103.6 FM radio

Other Online Outlets



Media Business

Media Holding LLC owns TV9 television channel I and channel II, and Zuuny Medee newspaper (M-3006), and 103.6 FM radio and the web-portal


Engagement in other business sectors is not known.

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year

Missing Data


Enkhtuya N

Affiliated Interests Founder

Ms. Enkhtuya Nambar is the younger sister of the Third President of Mongolia and leader of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP). She also owns the newspaper Zuuny Medee and their owner company Zasgiin Medee LLC.


Missing Data


Media Holding 70110628,

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Executive Director Baasansuren T

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Chairman of the board
Enkhtuya Nambar

Other Influential People

The third President of Mongolia Enkhbayar N

Further Information

Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

3 ♥

Meta Data

The company was contacted by phone 6 times after the MOM questionnaire was sent. The survey was only partially filled out after visiting the company office in person.


MOM questionnaire; ; ; ; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by