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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Mongolian People's Party 

Mongolian People's Party 

The newspaper is owned by the Mongolian People’s Party which was founded in 1921 as the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP). It was the first political party of Mongolia. As of 2016, the party claims to have more than 160.000 members. In the 2016 parliamentary elections, the MPP won 65 seats out of 76 in Parliament. The current leader of the MPP is Enkhbold M, who is also the Speaker of Parliament. The editor-in-chief Mongoliin Unen newspaper is appointed by the Steering Committee of the party which consists of 31 members. Chairman of the Steering Committee is Munkhbat J, Head of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia and Member of Parliament. Munkhbat J was the chief-editor of the newspaper prior to Ganbold B. Neither party leader Enkhbold M nor the Head of the Cabinet Secretariat Munkhbat J are known to own media companies at present.

Key facts

Business Form

Political Party

Legal Form

Political Party

Business Sectors



Mongolian People's Party 

Political Party

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Mongolyn Unen newspaper


Media Business

Mongolyn Unen newspaper


Missing Data

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year



Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP)

Affiliated Interests Founder

Political Party which ruled Mongolia in socialist times and changed the name into Mongolian People's Party in 2010.


Missing Data


Sukhbaatar District, Baga Toiruu – 14,Amar Street, Mongoliin Unen Newspaper building Tel: 320482,

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Missing Data

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Missing Data

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

1 ♥

Meta Data

The Chief Editor of the newspaper expressed that it will not participate in the MOM survey in an inquiry phone call made a week after handing out the questionnaire. Apart from the fact that the ownership of the newspaper is well-known, no public information was available regarding its financial operation and other information related to potential conflicts of interest.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia (Document ID 1); Mongolyn Unen issues for August, September, October 2016;
L. Norovsuren, “Review of Mongolian journalism history“, Ulaanbaatar, 2000;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by