Mr. Bayasgalan Danzandorj

The owner and General Director of Mongol Mass Media Group, Bayasgalan D, was born in Ulaanbaatar in 1968. He has a Master degree in Business Administration. In addition, he is Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank.He has held the following positions: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bodi group (1993-1996), General Director of Golomt Bank (1996-2007), Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bodi Group (2007- 2016).Bayasgalan D and Bold Lu (later founder of Bodi group and MP) were peers of the Student Union during the democratic revolution in Mongolia, and have been participating in the action to change social structure alongside each other. On 4 March 1990, Bayasgalan D was [the person to hand the Statement of Demands on behalf of the Democratic Union to the Government]( As he was one of the leaders of the student democratic movement, it is said that he is a supports views of the Democratic Party.In an [interview with Udryn Sonin newspaper in 2014, Bayasgalan D] ( said: “I think that I own probably the biggest media group of Mongolia next to the shares I own in Golomt (Bank). During the negotiations and disputes of the group, the media and news group remained with me…” Executive Director of Mongol Mass Media LLC is Amundra Amartuvshin. He used work as project director for starting up a media group for Bodi International LLC in 2009, and has been working as the Executive Director of Mongol Mass Media group since 2010.
Mongol Mass Media Group owns Ardyn Erkh newspaper, website, Undesnii Toim Magazine. These Media Houses are working under the Mongolian Media Corporation. This is one of the smaller companies that belong to Mongol Mass Media Group.
Mongol Mass Media group is comprised of individual companies. It has over 400 employees in national Bolovsrol channel television LLC, Eagle Broadcasting LLC, Boxnetwork LLC /Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television LLC, Shuud TV LLC, Ardyn Erkh newspaper, Toim magazine, FM 91.1 radio, and Mongol Comics LLC.
Further Information
Meta Data
The company officially rejected to provide information to MOM. Information was obtained from open sources but it was difficult to find information.
Sources ; MOM interview with Narantuya D; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;