Mr. Ulsbold G

There is no information available about Khukh-Akh NGO, which supposedly owns itoim.nn news web-portal, except for the fact that the founder of itoim Agency is also the director of the NGO, Otgonbayar G. He owns 40 percent of the company itoim Agency, Mr. Ulsbold G owns 15 percent. No particular infomation about him is publicly available. Except the fact that he was one of the colleagues of Otgonbayar G working with him and other friends in daily newspapers. Currently, the agency is managed by its shareholder Ulsbold.G.
The itoim agency maintains and publishes news web-portal and “Top Analysis” PR magazine. The company does not have business in other sectors.
Further Information
Meta Data
The company was eager to provide information, and sent the completed MOM survey questionnaire after one phone inquiry. But the financial information and revenue of advertisements was missing. Also no information is available about the NGO owner of the company. Some additional information is on the company website.