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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Ms .Enkhtuya Nambar 

Ms .Enkhtuya Nambar 

Enkhtuya Nambar is the owner of Zasgiin Medee LLC, which owns the newspaper Zuuny Medee, and she is the owner of the Media Holding company, which owns TV 9 television (M-3065) and FM 103.6. She is the younger sister to Enkhbayar Nambar, former President of Mongolia and Leader of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP). Enkhtuya N was born in Ulaanbaatar city in 1960. She worked and lived in Singapore representing Mongolia’s maritime affairs and currently lives in the USA. In 2012, [she was sought by Interpol in relation to a case of her brother](

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Newspaper Zuuny Medee. And Media Holding company, which owns TV 9 television (M-3065), radio FM 103.6 and the web-portal

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

The current owner is the younger sister to Enkhbayar Nambar, former President of Mongolia and Leader of the Mongolian People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP).

Further Information

Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

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Meta Data

The company was contacted by phone 6 times after the MOM questionnaire was sent. The survey was only partially filled out after visiting the company office in person. Survey completion – 80 percent.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia (Document ID 1); O. Sonompil, S. Odkhuu, “The new wave of Mongolian newspapers”, Ulaanbaatar, 2013; “Зууны мэдээ” сонины 2016 оны 8, 9, 10 сарын; дугаарууд; “Монголын сонины шинэ давалгаан”, О.Сономпил, С.Одхүү, 2013; MOM questionnaire; ; ; ttp:// ; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by