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Family Radio 104.5

Family Radio FM104.5 (Гэр бүлийн радио ФМ 104.5) is one of the most popular radios with a regional coverage. Its programs can be received in Ulaanbaatar and the remote districts of the capital, Baganuur and Nalaikh, as well as in Bayankhongor and Murun cities. The radio was launched in 2001 by Salkhi Entertainment LLC. The general director is Mr. D. Batjargal. The radio broadcasts 77 hours per week, offering a range of programs focusing on family values, friendship and love issues among young people. The mission of the radio is to promote family happiness, personal development and social fairness. The radio is commonly suspected of being financed by a Christian foundation, but its management denies this stating that it only transmits paid for programs promoting Bible and Christian values. Compared to other commercial radios, the Family Radio FM 104.5 systematically produces and broadcasts significant shares of editoral content that enjoys high popularity among its listeners. This radio is the top second radio in Ulaanbaatar and top second in rural areas after the Mongolian National Radio. (Audience research report. December 2015. Press Institute of Mongolia)

Key facts

Audience Share

MD not measurable

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage

Ulaanbaatar, Baganuur, Nalaikh district and 7 aimag capitals

Content Type


Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

3 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Salkhi Entertainment Co Ltd 


Ownership Structure


Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Salkhi Entertainment LLC

Affiliated Interests Founder

The radio is commonly suspected of being financed by a Christian foundation, but its management denies this stating that it only transmits paid for programs promoting Bible and Christian values.


B.Sansarmaa. Executive Director


B.Sansarmaa. Executive Director J. Javkhlanbayar, General producer Kh. Myagmarsuren, General Editor

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Advertising Revenue: 121,500,000 MNT

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

Meta Data

MOM questionnaire was fully answered.


Mongolia Media Today, Press Institute of Mongolia, 2016 Document ID-1; ;
Media Audience Research Report, Press Institute of Mongolia, December 2015;
Interview with executive director B.Sansarmaa;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by