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Global Media Registry

Ikh Mongol FM 99.7

Ikh Mongol FM 99, 7 is a youth radio with a round-the-clock programme established in 2007 by Bilegt Dolgoon LLC. The founder and the sole owner of the radio is Mr. Ch.Davaabayar, who also has businesses in taxi service, fast food chains and hot line information services. He is the initiator, founder and chairman of the National Wealth Producers Association which unites small to middle local enterprises. In 2012, after the Democratic Party (DP) won the parliamentary elections, Mr. Davaabayar was appointed as the director of the Mongolian National Television. In 2016 he was nominated for the parliamentary elections by the Democratic Party but dropped his candidacy due to internal disagreements on the electoral district devised by his party. He also retreated from his DP membership shortly after declining his candidacy. Mr. Davaabayar is considered to have close relations with the Parliament’s Speaker Z. Enkbold due to the same origins (Uvurkhangai province) and supposedly close business relations. The executive director of the radio is Ms. B. Enkh-Amgalan. Even though she is not known in the media sector, she represents the company for a long time as a young manager who enjoys the owner’s trust. Ikh Mongol FM 99,7 transmitted for the first time in Mongolia the FIFA World Cup in 2014. This radio also distinguishes itself from other commercial radios through its timely dissemination of current affairs news. Ikh Mongol FM 99.7 organizes the annual social event “Good action” which became the radio’s brand mark. According to the Press Institute’s audience surveys, Ikh Mongol FM 99.7 was ranked top three in 2009 -2012. In 2012, the radio received the “Best Radio” award of the Press Institute.

Key facts

Audience Share

MD not measurable

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type


Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

3 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Group: Mass Agency 


Ownership Structure


Individual Owner

Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Mr. Ch.Davaabayar

Affiliated Interests Founder

The founder and the sole owner of the radio is Mr. Ch.Davaabayar, who also has businesses in taxi service, fast food chains and hot line information services. He is the initiator, founder and chairman of the National Wealth Producers Association which unites small to middle local enterprises. In 2012, after the Democratic Party (DP) won the parliamentary elections, Mr. Davaabayar was appointed as the director of the Mongolian National Television. In 2016 he was nominated for the parliamentary elections by the Democratic Party but dropped his candidacy due to internal disagreements on the electoral district devised by his party. He also retreated from his DP membership shortly after declining his candidacy. Mr. Davaabayar is considered to have close relations with the Parliament’s Speaker Z. Enkbold due to the same origins (Uvurkhangai province) and supposedly close business relations


Mr. Ch.Davaabayar

Affiliated Interests Ceo

The executive director of the radio is Ms. B. Enkh-Amgalan. Even though she is not known in the media sector, she represents the company for a long time as a young manager who enjoys the owner’s trust. Founder and sole owner Mr. Ch.Davaabayar also has businesses in taxi service, fast food chains and hot line information services. He is the initiator, founder and chairman of the National Wealth Producers Association which unites small to middle local enterprises. In 2012, after the Democratic Party (DP) won the parliamentary elections, Mr. Davaabayar was appointed as the director of the Mongolian National Television. In 2016 he was nominated for the parliamentary elections by the Democratic Party but dropped his candidacy due to internal disagreements on the electoral district devised by his party. He also retreated from his DP membership shortly after declining his candidacy. Mr. Davaabayar is considered to have close relations with the Parliament’s Speaker Z. Enkbold due to the same origins (Uvurkhangai province) and supposedly close business relations.


B. Enkh-Amgalan, Executive Director

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

Meta Data

Representatives of the leading media tools, ETV and FM 99.7 both sent a completely filled MOM questionnaire. Even the revenue information of the owner IMerge Media LLC was provided. However, no information was provided on the parent company Mass Agency. Also, there is no information regarding the shareholders of the group.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia Document ID-1; Web search and interview with radio journalist;
MOM Questionnaire;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by