
www.ikon.mn was established by the company Benecraft LLC in November 2013. As of 2016 Benecract LLC is owned by B. Altangerel, Ch. Sukhbaatar, S. Delgerdalai, Ch. Bolortuya. The owners manage the news website and shape its editorial policy. As of 2015 the website enjoys a daily reach of 7% according to the audience research on the use of Internet by the Press Institute. According to alexa.com the website is on rank 9 of most popular Mongolian news websites. According to the own statement of ikon.mn the number of it’s visitors reach 150 – 300 people per day. ikon.mn states on its website that its editorial team strives to give citizens voice and remain independent from any political or business powers. Concerning the organizational structure, the newsroom conists of editorial staff, techhological development unit, IT staff, data visualization unit, economist and designers. It distinguishes itself from other websites through its regular use of infographics to visualize stories and data. The website did not provide information on revenues and shareholders.
Audience Share
MD not measurable
Ownership Type
Geographic Coverage
Content Type
Media Companies / Groups
Benecraft Co Ltd
Ownership Structure
Mr. Altangere, shares unknown; Ms. Bolortuya Ch, shares unknown; Mr. Sukhbaatar. Ch, shares unknown.
Individual Owner
General Information
Founding Year
Founders and owners of Benecraft LLC: B.Altangerel, Ch.Sukhbaatar, S.Delgerdalai, Ch.Bolortuya
Affiliated Interests Founder
B. Altangerel, Director
Editorial staff: S. Delgerdalai J. Zolboo B. Oyunchimeg
Financial Information
Revenue (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
93 percent of unknown number
Advertising (in % of total funding)
7 percent of unknown number
Further Information
Meta Data
The survey questionnaire was completed and sent back. However, some information was not disclosed due to company confidentiality. Additional information was obtained from the website.
Mongolian Media Today, Press Institute of Mongolia, 2016, Document ID-1; MOM questionnaire; company website;
Press Institute, Audience Survey, 2015, Document ID-3 ;
http://www.ikon.mn/n/wx ;
http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ikon.mn ;
http://www.ikon.mn/sp/policy ;