Ekh Elgen Nutag Co Ltd
Ekh Elgen Nutag LLC operates Elgen nutag FM 96, 9, and does not own any other media tool and does not run businesses in any other sectors. The company has a simple structure and is invested by one person 100 percent. The company does not have any political or economic affiliations. The company places high importance on literature, joke, and drama to make the radio unique from others. The radio was the first to introduce classic literature in audio format. For instance, Altaid novel, Our school, Mongolian Secret History, and 40 hour history were produced in audio format. About 100 foreign or domestic literature pieces have been developed in audio format. In 2007, famous Mongolian novel Tungalag Tamir has been commercially produced in MP3 format on double disc format.
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
Ekh Elgen Nutag LLC operates Elgen nutag FM 96, 9, and does not own any other media tool and does not run businesses in any other sectors.
Individual Owner
Media Business
Ekh Elgen Nutag LLC operates Elgen nutag FM 96, 9, and does not own any other media tool and does not run businesses in any other sectors.
The company does not run businesses in any other sectors.
General Information
Founding Year
D. Batbayar,
Affiliated Interests Founder
D. Batbayar, the director of the radio, is an actor by profession and launched his radio by producing and broadcasting “radio books” using the Mongolian classical literature. He does not have any political or business affiliations.
Ekh elgen nutag Co Ltd
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
40,000,000.00 MNT
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Private advertising revenue: 10,000,000.00 MNT. Public advertising revenue: None
Executive Board
Executive Director D.Batbayar
Non-Executive Board
Chairman D.Batbayar
Further Information
Meta Data
MOM questionnaire was fully answered. The radio has not website to proactively inform the public.
Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia Document ID-1; MOM Questionnaire;
Web search and interview with radio journalists;