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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Group: Mongol Mass Media Group

Group: Mongol Mass Media Group

Mongol Mass Media group was established in 2004 as Mongol Mass Media LLC. It used to publish the Ardyn Erkh newspaper, and since 2007 it started operating web portal. During that time, General Director of Altan Taria LLC, Tselmuun.P used to own 50 percent Mongol Mass Media LLC, and the remaining 50 percent of the company shares were owned by Bodi Group. In 2009, Altan Taria LLC sold its shares to Bodi Group, thus Bodi Group owned 100 percent of shares of Mongol Mass Media LLC and Bodi group licenses of Bolovsrol television and Eagle television. These media eventually became the Mongol Mass Media Group with new structures and news management, after acquiring Ardyn Erkh newspaper and News in 2009. Initially, in 1989, Bodi Group was established as Bodi conglomerate by then Member of the Parliament Bold Lu, Bayagalan D, and former Member of Parliament Zorigt M. In 2004, Zorigt M transferred his shares of Bodi Group to Bayasgalan D and left the group. Bodi Group operates in the field of banking and finance, insurance, media and communication, car sales, construction, investment, logistics, computer sales and maintenance, real estate, sales of electronic goods, and media. In 2013, the founder of Bodi Group started a dispute regarding their ownerships. As a result, Bayasgalan D held ownership of Golomt Bank, Mongol Mass Media, and some subsidiaries of Bodi Group.At present, Bayasgalan D owns 100 percent of shares of Bodi International Company, which owns 85 percent of shares of Golomt Bank. No information was found regarding the ownership status of other companies. For sure, [Golomt Bank (with 47,597,028,345 MNT) and Bodi International LLC (with 7,863,238,247 MNT) are regarded as amongst the top 100 taxpayers in Mongolia for the last 5 years] ( 2007, Ardyn Erkh newspaper was stopped and the ownership of website was transferred to News Agency LLC (C-3095). In 2016, Ardyn Erkh newspaper was relaunched by Mongol Mass Media Group.Currently, Mongol Mass Media Group owns Ardyn Erkh newspaper, website, Undesnii Toim Magazine. These Media Houses are working under the Mongolian Media Corporation. This is one of the smaller companies that belong to Mongol Mass Media Group. Mongol Mass Media group is comprised of individual companies. It has over 400 employees in national Bolovsrol channel television LLC, Eagle Broadcasting LLC, Boxnetwork LLC /Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television LLC, Shuud TV LLC, Ardyn Erkh newspaper, Toim magazine, FM 91.1 radio, and Mongol Comics LLC. The mission of the group is to become a content developer, supplier, and distributor to promote unique Mongolian content to the world market. Mongol Mass Media group owns two major companies: Ger Content and Mongolian media Corporation. Ger Content is comprised of entertainment channels, including Bolovsrol television, Movie Box, Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television, and commercial channel Shuud TV; and the movie company Hulegu pictures. Second, Mongolian Media Corporation operates Eagle news television, Ardyn Erkh Newspaper, Undestny Toim magazine, web-portal, and radio FM 91.1.

Key facts

Mother Company

Mongol Mass Media Group

Business Form


Legal Form


Business Sectors

Currently, Mongol Mass Media Group owns Ardyn Erkh newspaper, website, Undesnii Toim Magazine. These Media Houses are working under the Mongolian Media Corporation. This is one of the smaller companies that belong to Mongol Mass Media Group. Mongol Mass Media group is comprised of individual companies. It has over 400 employees in national Bolovsrol channel television LLC, Eagle Broadcasting LLC, Boxnetwork LLC /Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television LLC, Shuud TV LLC, Ardyn Erkh newspaper, Toim magazine, FM 91.1 radio, and Mongol Comics LLC.


Mr. Bayasgalan Danzandorj 

He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank and General Director of “Bodi International” LLC. He was one of the leaders of the student democratic movement of 1990. It is said that he is a supports views of the Democratic Party.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Ardyn Erkh newspaper, Undesnii Toim Magazine, Mongol Comics LLC.

Other TV Outlets

Bolovsrol channel television LLC, Eagle Broadcasting LLC, Boxnetwork LLC /Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television LLC, Shuud TV LLC

Other Radio Outlets

FM 91.1 radio,

Other Online Outlets website


Media Business

Mongol Mass Media Group owns Ardyn Erkh newspaper, website, Undesnii Toim Magazine. These Media Houses are working under the Mongolian Media Corporation. This is one of the smaller companies that belong to Mongol Mass Media Group.
It also owns national Bolovsrol channel television LLC, Eagle Broadcasting LLC, Boxnetwork LLC /Box sport, Box movie, Box music, Dream television LLC, Shuud TV LLC, FM 91.1 radio, and Mongol Comics LLC.


Involvement of the company in other than media sector business is not known.

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year



Bayagalan D

Affiliated Interests Founder

He is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Golomt Bank and General Director of “Bodi International” LLC. He was one of the leaders of the student democratic movement of 1990. It is said that he is a supports views of the Democratic Party.


Missing Data


Mongol Mass Media, 464336,

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Missing Data

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Missing Data


Executive Board

Executive Director Amundra A.

Non-Executive Board

Missing Data

Supervisory Board

Chairman Bayasgalan D.

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

1 ♥

Meta Data

The company officially rejected to provide information to MOM. Information was obtained from open sources but it was difficult to find information.

Sources ; MOM interview with Narantuya D; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by