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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Group: Montsame Agency  

Group: Montsame Agency  

Montsame Agency was founded in 1921, initially being established under the title ‘MONTA’, abbreviation for Mongolian Telegraphic Agency. Under socialist rule Montsame was the only official source of information. Nowadays, the main functions of the agency is to inform the domestic audience with latest worldwide developments, including Mongolian state and government officials, public entities, media organizations, and the public, and to promote Mongolia worldwide, such as reporting on Mongolia’s foreign affairs and internal policies, domestic events, country’s other development facts. Montsame Agency is not among MOM Top Media. It was included in the survey because in Mongolia it is the only company that calls itself news agency. But in fact Montsame Agency does not function like a professional news agency. Montsame agency is still state-runned and its director is appointed by the Prime Minister, even though the 1998 Media Freedom Law states that the agency shall be transformed into a public service entity and the State should not own media. The appointment of the director of the agency has directly linked to which political party wins the majority in parliamentary elections. Director of the agency is appointed by the Prime Minister. In 2016, journalist Ganchimeg B (O-3033, M-3031) was newly appointed as the director of the agency after the Mongolian Peoples’ Party (MBB) won the majority of seats in the election. International publications of Montsame Agency include “Montsame Daily News” in English, “Moncame Novosti” in Russian and “Menggu Xiaoxibao” in Chinese. The Monta telestudio produces both Mongolian and English contents about Mongolian history, culture and domestic events and distributes the content both domestically and worldwide. Domestic publications of Montsame agency include the web-portal with daily news and information in five languages: Mongolian, English, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese. In addition the weekly newspaper “Khumuun Bichig” is published in traditional Mongol script.

Key facts

Business Form


Business Sectors

Media businesses include: web-portal, Novosty Mongolii weekly newspaper, Menggu Xiaoxibao weekly newspaper, Mongoru Tsuushin weekly newspaper, Khumuun Bichig weekly newspaper, The Mongol messenger weekly newspaper, Mongolia today Quarterly newspaper. There is nothing known about involvement in other business sectors.


State owned

Montsame agency is still state-runned and its director is appointed by the Prime Minister. So the appointment of the director of the agency is directly linked to which political party wins the majority in parliamentary elections. In 2016, journalist Ganchimeg B (O-3033, M-3031) was newly appointed as the director of the agency after the Mongolian Peoples’ Party (MBB) won the majority of seats in the election.

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other Print Outlets

Novosty Mongolii weekly newspaper,
Menggu Xiaoxibao weekly newspaper,
Mongoru Tsuushin weekly newspaper,
Khumuun Bichig weekly newspaper,
The Mongol messenger weekly newspaper,
Mongolia today Quarterly newspaper.

Other TV Outlets

The Monta telestudio produces both Mongolian and English contents about Mongolian history, culture and domestic events and distributes the content both domestically and worldwide.

Other Online Outlets



Media Business

Media businesses include: web-portal,
Novosty Mongolii weekly newspaper,
Menggu Xiaoxibao weekly newspaper,
Mongoru Tsuushin weekly newspaper,
Khumuun Bichig weekly newspaper,
The Mongol messenger weekly newspaper,
Mongolia today Quarterly newspaper.


There is nothing known about involvement in other business sectors.

Missing Data

General Information

Founding Year



State / Government

Affiliated Interests Founder

Under socialist rule Montsame was the only official source of information.




Montsame agency Chingeltei District, Jigjidjav street-8 Montsame Agency building Tel: 976-11314511, 328966, 314574

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Advertising revenue: 172,714,972 MNT

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Private advertising revenue: 136,430,322 MNT. Public advertising revenue: 36,284,650 MNT


Executive Board

Executive Director Director of Agency Ganchimeg.B

Non-Executive Board

The Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of Mongolia appoints the director and management.

Supervisory Board

Chairman + members of the board: Ganchimeg B, Batbold Sh. Naranmandukhai T, Otgonbayar D, Zolzaya S, Bayarsaikhan S.

Further Information

Passive Transparency

upon request, ownership data is easily available from the company/channel

3 ♥

Meta Data

After handing out the MOM questionnaire 2 phone inquiries were made to the agency. Then the survey has been filled completely.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia Document ID-1; MOM quesionnaire;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by