Mongol Television Co Ltd

Mongol Television LLC is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Gatsuurt Group. Mongol Television LLC was established in 2008. General Director of the Gatsuurt company Chibat L purchased the special license of Mongol television for 800 million MNT in an [open auction for television special licence orgazined by the Communication Regulatory Commission of Mongolia in 2007](file:///D:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Puugii/Desktop/1-1/20140603%20-%20DTV%20 ajiliin%20hesgin%20tailan%202011on.pdf). The first Executive Director of the company was Enkhbayar. In 2011, Chinbat L’s daughter Nomin Ch was appointed as Executive Director of the company. On 10 August 2008, Mongol television broadcasted the first ever HD television program in Mongolia opening a new chapter in Mongolia’s television history. Since 2013, the channel introduced the first full HD format in Mongolia.Mongol Television LLC is a subsidiary of the Gatsuurt Group. In the early 1990s, one of the country’s three leading companies, “Gurvan gol” geology and exploration company found a gold soil deposit in Gatsuurt, Selenge Province. Hence, the foundation of the “Gatsuurt” Group was laid when “Gurvan Gol” JSC started mining operations in Gatsuurt in 1996 – soon after the company changed its name to “Gatsuurt”. In 1998, Gatsuurt LLC became an independent company doing geology and mining operation in Selenge and Uvurkhangai Provinces. The company became the first of its kind to introduce latest technology and innovation in the sector and to carry out environmental rehabilitation programmes. It was the beginning of the successful story and accomplishments of one of the leading national companies of Mongolia.At present, the company owns mining licenses of gold soil deposit-1, gravel deposit-2, and brown coal deposit-1. The group operates in the sectors: agronomy, farming, touris, construction, international and domestic trade, mining, food production, education, media, real-estate, and communication. Gatsuurt Group oversees the following companies: Gatsuurt LLC, Bayandulaan Uul LLC, Mongol nogoo LLC, Selengekhuns LLC, Vigo buudai LLC, Selenge makh LLC, Selenge tos LLC, Shargal Taria LLC, Saikhantolgoi LLC, Khalimag LLC, Mongol Angus LLC, Selengyn tarialan LLC, Screen LLC, khuns trade LLC, “Olymp” school, Mongol Television LLC, Brickland LLC, NOMSYS LLC, Gatsuurt rade LLC, and the five-star Terelj Hotel.
Mother Company
Gatsuurt Group
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
Mongol Television LLC is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Gatsuurt Group. The channel is the only media business of the group. In other business sectors the group operates in agronomy, farming, touris, construction, international and domestic trade, mining, food production, education, real-estate, and communication. Gatsuurt Group owns these companies: Gatsuurt LLC, Bayandulaan Uul LLC, Mongol nogoo LLC, Selengekhuns LLC, Vigo buudai LLC, Selenge makh LLC, Selenge tos LLC, Shargal Taria LLC, Saikhantolgoi LLC, Khalimag LLC, Mongol Angus LLC, Selengyn tarialan LLC, Screen LLC, khuns trade LLC, “Olymp” school, Brickland LLC, NOMSYS LLC, Gatsuurt trade LLC, and the five-star Terelj Hotel.
Mr. Chinbat Lkhagva
Other TV Outlets
Mongol Television LLC
Media Business
Mongol Television LLC is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Gatsuurt Group. The channel is the only media business of the group.
In other business sectors the group operates in agronomy, farming, touris, construction, international and domestic trade, mining, food production, education, real-estate, and communication.
Gatsuurt Group owns these companies: Gatsuurt LLC, Bayandulaan Uul LLC, Mongol nogoo LLC, Selengekhuns LLC, Vigo buudai LLC, Selenge makh LLC, Selenge tos LLC, Shargal Taria LLC, Saikhantolgoi LLC, Khalimag LLC, Mongol Angus LLC, Selengyn tarialan LLC, Screen LLC, khuns trade LLC, “Olymp” school, Brickland LLC, NOMSYS LLC, Gatsuurt trade LLC, and the five-star Terelj Hotel.
General Information
Founding Year
1998: Gatsuurt LLC 2008: Mongol Television LLC
Chinbat Lkhagva
Affiliated Interests Founder
He is a member of the board of Directors of “Mongolian agronomy entrepreneurs association”. He does not have any political affiliations
Mongol Television LLC: 154
Mongol Television LLCcontact@mongoltv.mn976-70112299
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
3732594648 MNT
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Private advertising revenue: 3713219084 MNT Public advertising revenue: Missing Data
Executive Board
Executive Director Nomin Chinbat, daughter of the owner. She has no political affiliations.
Supervisory Board
Chairman of the Board of Directors Chinbat L.
Member of the Board: Nomin Chinbat.
Director of Strategic Policy and Planning Bat-Erdene G.
Deputy Director in charge of Program Division Gantumur B.
Deputy Director in charge of Operational Division Narantsetseg N.
Deputy Director in charge of Media and Public Relations Chimgee S.
Other Influential People
General Producer in charge of Interviews and Live programs Saruul B.
General Director Davaadorj G.
Producer in charge of Movies and Foreign contents Urantsetseg Kh.
Further Information
Meta Data
The MOM survey was completed in full except for one question. Company provided information after one phone inquiry. In addition the company participated actively in the MOM advisory group.
MOM questionnaire; ; ; ; ; ; ; shtml?selected=1 ; 9D%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BD ; ; ;