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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Olloo Co Ltd 

Olloo LLC operates the daily news and information web-portal and Olloo television. Olloo LLC was the first media to sell market shares and launch an IPO at the Stock Exchange. Trade history of [Olloo LLC’s shares since July to 2007 to November 2016 can be viewed through the link]( LLC did not have experiences of launching debentures or shares prior to this. When the initial 10 000 000 shares were marketed for 100 MNT each, the company was able to raise about 582 million MNT in 14 weeks. It is said that 60 percent of the shares were sold on the public market, and that the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia was among the buyers. However, when the company’s price per share fell, the founder and the Chairman of the Board of Directors Buuveibaatar Ts., purchased more than 51 percent of the shares back. At present, he is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company. However, his name is not among the list of shareholders according to the answers to the MOM questionnaire. Olloo website’s shares are [owned by 3 particular persons, 2 companies, and 426 individuals]( the shareholders are Enkhtsetseg Ts, the first director of the company. The present director of the company is Tsagaangan P, who is not a shareholder of the company. Olloo JSC was the first company to launch GPS system in the Mongolian market in 2010, called “Olloo travel guide GPS”.

Key facts

Business Form


Legal Form

Stock Company

Business Sectors

Olloo LLC operates the daily news and information web-portal and Olloo television.


Mr. Enkhtsetseg O-3100

Media Outlets
Other Media Outlets

Other TV Outlets

Olloo television.

Other Online Outlets



Media Business

Olloo LLC operates the daily news and information web-portal and Olloo television.


The company does not run businesses in other sectors.


General Information

Founding Year







Olloo Co

Financial Information

Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)

Advertising revenue: 80 259 845 MNT

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Private advertising revenue: 62 532 573 MNT. Public advertising revenue: 17 727 272 MNT


Executive Board

Executive Director Tsagaangan.R

Supervisory Board

Chairman + members of the board, Members of board of directors: Buuveibaatar Purevdorj: General Director of Iveel LLC.
Enkhbayar Shagdarsuren: General Director of Nomin Holding LLC.
Khurelkhuu Byambaa: General Director of State Department Store LLC.
Sainbat Sanjaa: Director of Nomin Communication LLC.
Batchimeg Baatarkhuu: Internal Auditor "Asia Pacific Securities" LLC.
Nyamkhand Jargalsaikhan: Dealer, APS.
Batjin Natsagdorj: research analyst, APS.
Enkhtur Gerel.
Batkhuyag Byambajav: Galaktose LLC.

Further Information

Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

4 ♥

Meta Data

The company filled the survey questionnaire in complete and was exceptionally very open.


Mongolian Media Today, Press Institute of Mongolia, 2016, Document ID-1; MOM questionnaire;
Press Institute, Audience Survey, 2015, Document ID-3 ;
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  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by