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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Egel Co Ltd (Since January 2016 dissolved local newspaper association)

Egel LLC was established in 1998 to run a business in the rural print media sector. The owner of Egel LLC is the president of the rural newspaper association S. Sharavdorj. His company owned up to 18 provincial newspapers – so almost half of all local newspapers covering rural provinces belonged to the private company Egel LLC. The company provided support for professionalization of rural journalists as well as newspaper layout services. Starting from January 2016, the company retreated from the ownership of provincial newspapers in order to benefit from the new Law to support economic transparency. This Law allows open statements on underpayments or violations of taxation and social insurance laws without any legal sanctions. It is difficult to fact-check but apparently Egel LLC gave the ownership of the rural media at least in some cases to the respective people working for them. (See Context Law)

Key facts

Audience Share

2015: 482.400 total anual circulation

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type



General Information

Founding Year




Affiliated Interests Founder

The owner of Egel LLC is the president of the rural newspaper association. Before, S. Sharavdorj also worked as spokesperson of a mining company.

Further Information


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia; Interview with former owner S. Sharavdorj;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by