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MNB Mongolian National Broadcaster (MNB) television (Монголын үндэсний олон нийтийн телевиз) is ranked among the top ten TVs by audience shares. ( MNB television is the first Mongolian television which was established in 1967. Till 2006 the television was owned and managed by the state. In 2005 the law on Public Service Broadcaster (PSB) was adopted. The law came into effect in 2006 and the process of transforming the state run television and radio into a public service entity was initiated. Currently MNB Television broadcasts its programs on three channels, offering a wide range programs that address political, economic, cultural, social, scientific, educational, sports and other issues. According to the PSB law the Public television is financed by state subsidies, license fees collected from households, public interest advertisements, donations and rent of facilities. MNB Radio and Television programmes are supported by the state through an annual subsidy which was MNT 3, 9 billion (US$2, 2 million) in 2015. In addition each household in Ulaanbaatar pays 1.100 MNT (50 US cents) per month and rural households pay 600 -800 MNT per month.The law obliges the National broadcaster to serve the interests of the public by offering a diversity of program types and addressing needs and interests of diverse groups of society. The highest governing body of the National broadcaster is the National Council, which appoints the general director and the council of directors. ( Members of the National Council are nominated by Parliament, President and Government and approved by Parliament. Even though the nominations shall be based on civil society suggestions, the appointment process is in-transparent and directly influenced by political interests. (See Context Media and Context Law)The influence of the political party in charge of the government on management and sometimes also journalists is obvious by changes of personnel when the government changes. So, instead of Public Service Broadcaster it maybe should be called Party Service Broadcaster. According the monitoring study conducted by the Press Institute on Public service programming content and policy in 2013, 50.5 percent of news items on Public Television was based on a single source, mostly from government sources.

Key facts

Audience Share

18,10 %

Ownership Type


Geographic Coverage


Content Type


Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

4 ♥

Media Companies / Groups

Group: Mongolian National Broadcaster 


Ownership Structure


Media Companies / Groups

General Information

Founding Year



Mongolian Government / Committee for information, radio and television. By 2005 Law on Public Service Broadcaster (PSB)

Affiliated Interests Founder

The highest governing body of the National broadcaster is the National Council, which appoints the general director and the council of directors. ( Members of the National Council are nominated by Parliament, President and Government and approved by Parliament. Even though the nominations shall be based on civil society suggestions, the appointment process is in-transparent and directly influenced by political interests. (See Context Media and Context Law)


General Director: Ts. Oyundari (former Secretary General of the Democratic Party) Vice Director: L. Ninjjamts, Member of Mongolian People’s Party (MPP) Acting TV director: B. Oyunchimeg

Affiliated Interests Ceo

General Director Ts. Oyundari is the former Secretary General of the Democratic Party. Vice Director L. Ninjjamts is a Member of Mongolian People’s Party (MPP).


Acting TV director: B. Oyunchimeg Director in charge for 2nd Channel, Mongolian news: Ch. Battsengel Head of production unit I: J. Erdenetsogt Head of production unit II: J. Batbayar Head of production unit III: D. Erdenetsetseg, Head of product

Other Important People

Members of the MNB National Council are nominated by Parliament, President and Government and approved by Parliament. Even though the nominations shall be based on civil society suggestions, the appointment process is in-transparent and directly influenced by political interests. (See Context Media and Context Law)

Affiliated Interests other important people

MNB management and sometimes journalists are appointed by members of the governing political party and frequently change when the governing party changes.

Financial Information

Revenue (in Mill. $)

Advertising revenue: 10,548,656,100.00 MNT

Operating Profit (in Mill. $)

Missing Data

Advertising (in % of total funding)

Private advertising revenue: 6,499,710,300.00 MNT. Public advertising revenue: 4,048,945,800.00 MNT

Market Share

Missing Data

Further Information

Meta Data

MNB has submitted the MOM questionnaire. In addition, information was collected from MNB’s website which is publicly available.


TV Ratings 2016, Maxima LLC Document ID-2; ;; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by