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Mr. Chinbat Lkhagva 

Mr. Chinbat Lkhagva 

Chinbat L is the General Director Mongolian television and General Director of the Gatsuurt Group. Also, he is a member of the board of Directors of “Mongolian agronomy entrepreneurs association”. He does not have any political affiliations. Chinbat L was born in Govi-Altai Province in 1962. He founded the Gurvan Gol JSC, a geological mining company, with his colleagues in 1998, and was a shareholder in the company. In 1998, he established the Gatsuurt LLC independently starting up his own business. His daughter and present Executive Director of Mongol TV, Nomin Ch, was born in Ulaanbaatar in 1983. She is the daughter of the General Director of the Gatsuurt group, Chinbat L. During 2006-2007, she worked as the Director of International affairs of Gatsuurt Group, in 2007 as General Manager of Terelj Hotel, and since February 2011, she has been working as the Director of Mongol TV. She does not have any political affiliations.Under her lead Mongol TV is one of the most progressive broadcasters in Mongolia with regard to innovative programming policy and respect for the law, including intellectual property law. In 2015 Mongol TV licensed the show “Mongolia’s got Talent” which enjoys a huge popularity. At the same time it produces quality news programmes under the lead of Editor-in-chief E. Lhagva. The channel displays before the news programme an announcement: “This is not paid news, this is independent journalism, watch our programme”. (See M-3055)Nomin Ch also holds the position of the Director of the five-star Terelj Hotel. She is said to be the future leader of Gatsuurt Group. In 2015, Nomin Ch was elected as the [Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Media Council of Mongolia]( page/2675.shtml?sel=5000&subsel=5007). Her husband, Bat-Erdene G, is the Deputy Director of Mongol TV, in charge of Strategic Policy and Planning, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mongolia television Association.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Mongol Television LLC is a 100 percent subsidiary of the Gatsuurt Group. The channel is the only media business of the group.
In other business sectors the group operates in agronomy, farming, touris, construction, international and domestic trade, mining, food production, education, real-estate, and communication.
Gatsuurt Group owns these companies: Gatsuurt LLC, Bayandulaan Uul LLC, Mongol nogoo LLC, Selengekhuns LLC, Vigo buudai LLC, Selenge makh LLC, Selenge tos LLC, Shargal Taria LLC, Saikhantolgoi LLC, Khalimag LLC, Mongol Angus LLC, Selengyn tarialan LLC, Screen LLC, khuns trade LLC, “Olymp” school, Brickland LLC, NOMSYS LLC, Gatsuurt trade LLC, and the five-star Terelj Hotel.

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

His daughter Nomin Ch is the present Executive Director of Mongol TV. Her husband, Bat-Erdene G, is the Deputy Director of Mongol TV, in charge of Strategic Policy and Planning, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Mongolia television Association.

Further Information

Active Transparency

company/channel informs proactively and comprehensively about its ownership, data is constantly updated and easily verifiable

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Meta Data

The MOM survey was completed in full except for one question. Company provided information after one phone inquiry. In addition the company participated actively in the MOM advisory group.


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  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by