News Agency LLC

The company was first established as Mongol Mass Media in 2004. In the past, it used to publish Ardyn Erkh daily newspaper, a state funded newspaper. It was eventually cut off from public funding in 1999 due to Press Freedom Law enacted by the Parliament on Mongolia restricting public funding of media tools. During that time, the Ministry of Justice prohibited the use of the name “Ardyn Erkh” for five years. The decision became ineffective in 2004; the name is now being used again by Mongol Mass Media Group. News Agency LLC acquired web-portal in 2007. The Member of the Board of Directors Amundra A came up with the idea of along with his colleagues, and established the website with the support of its first investor Tselmuun P, Director of Altan Taria LLC. In that time, Tsenguun P owned 50 percent of Mongol Mass Media Group. The editorial team of was formed when some young journalists accepted the offer to cooperate. Temuulen P, former Chief-Editor of Ardyn Erkh newspaper transferred the ownership of website to herself after [agreeing to management privatization terms with the investors]( After that, the company has been individually operating as News Agency LLC. The company does not own any shares in other media tools. It is said that a major investor of News Agency is the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia and that 70 percent of shares are owned by a close relative of his wife, but MOM did not find evidence during research. Another close source claimed that the majority of shares of the News Agency are entitled under the name of Boldbaatar Kh or his son, who is the sibling of the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia’s wife. However no evidence was obtained. [Boldbaatar Kh is the director of Ulaanbaatar taxi services]( Editor Temuulen B said that the investment and shareholder ownership status are still under negotiation, and that the company will transfer some of its shares to its experienced journalists. As the status of ownership and shareholding will be clear in 2017, the company expressed it could provide such information only then.
Business Form
Legal Form
Business Sectors
News Agency LLC acquired web-portal in 2007. The company does not own any shares in other media tools nor other business sectors.
Mr.Boldbaatar Kh (O-3096)
Boldbaatar Kh is the sibling of the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia’s wife. However, no evidence was obtained about his role. Boldbaatar Kh is the director of Ulaanbaatar taxi services.
Ms. Temuulen B
Other Online Outlets web-portal
Media Business
News Agency LLC acquired web-portal in 2007. The company does not own any shares in other media tools.
The company does not own any shares in other media tools nor other business sectors.
General Information
Financial Information
Revenue (Financial Data/ Optional)
Missing Data
Operating Profit (in Mill. $)
Missing Data
Advertising (in % of total funding)
Missing Data
Executive Board
Missing Data
Non-Executive Board
Missing Data
Supervisory Board
Missing Data
Other Influential People
It is said that a major investor of News Agency is the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia and that 70 percent of shares are owned by a close relative of his wife, but MOM did not find evidence during research. Another close source claimed that the majority of shares of the News Agency are entitled under the name of Boldbaatar Kh or his son, who is the sibling of the current President Elbegdorj Tsakhia’s wife. However no evidence was obtained.Another influentel person might be Tselmuun P, Director of Altan Taria LLC, investor in News Agency.
Further Information
Meta Data
The company did not respond to the MOM questionnaire. Even though the relationship was very friendly, the company rejected to disclose information regarding its ownership status.
Mongolian Media Today, Press Institute of Mongolia, 2016, Document ID-1;
Press Institute, Audience Survey, 2015, Document ID-3 ; ; MOM interview with Narantuya D;