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Mr. Batkhuu Gavaa 

Mr. Batkhuu Gavaa 

Batkhuu.G, a former Member of Parliament for the Democratic Party (DP) and his brother Batsaikhan.P own the Media Group LLC with 50:50 shares. Bathkhuu Gavaa was born in Uvurkhangai province in 1960. He holds a Major in engineering and economics. He is a former Member of Parliament, Vice-Speaker of the Parliament, and former Minister of Road, Transport, and Tourism of Mongolia. He is a member of the Democratic Party (DP) ( He listed the following ownerships and shares: Shunkhlai Agro LLC 100 percent Agriculture; APU Trading LLC 50 percent International and domestic trade; Shunkhlai Group 50 percent Petroleum; Shunkhlai Mining LLC 50 percent Mining; Shunkhlai LLC 50 percent Petroleum; Shunkhlai Govi LLC 50 percent Oil; Mongol Motors Group 50 percent Vehicles and Logistic; GSB Resource LLC 50 percent Mining; Green Air Garden LLC 50 percent Construction; Hyundai Motors Mongolia LLC 50 percent Auto service; Mongol Hyundai Kia Service LLC 50 percent Auto service; Mongolian Road Construction LLC 50 percent Construction; Suntrans Mongol LLC 50 percent Transport and international trade; Important Solution LLC 51 percent Trade; Power Unit LLC 50 percent Energy; Media Group 50 percent Media; Coalbaker MNG LLC 25,5 percent Construction; International medical Centre LLC 17,75 percent Health; Oyunlag Urlug LLC 10 percent; Batgan Trans LLC 1 percent International trade and transport.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


Besides media property Batkhuu Gavaa listed the following companies and shares in his Property and Revenue Sheet submitted to the Anti-Corruption Agency in 2014: Mongol Motors, APU Trading, GSB Resource LLC, Shunkhlai Mining LLC, and Power Unit LLC, 100 percent of shares of Shunkhlai Agro LLC, 51 percent of shares of Important Solution LLC, and another 24 groups and companies of which he owned about 50 percent or less shares (
In addition to this, he owns shares in Skymedia Corporation LLC of Skytel LLC which provides Skymedia, a service that offers internet, IPTV, and WIMAX wireless system (
Bathkhuu Gavaa is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shunkhlai Group. This group started its operations with qualified auto-vehicle maintenance and services in 1993. As of 2016, the group operates in a variety of sectors including sales of petroleum products, beverage manufacturing, logistics, mining, finance, health, real-estate, communication, media, and infrastructure. It is one of the major leading business groups in Mongolia.

Family & Friends

Affiliated Interests Family Members Friends

Batkhuu Gavaa is well connected with politics. His brother and 50 percent shareholder of Media Group, Batsaikhan P, also has vested business interests (see O-3070). The Director of APU Trading LLC, Batchimeg P, is a sibling to Batkhuu.G and Batsaikhan P ( Also the Director of Shunkhlai Group, Batkhishig P, is a sibling to Batkhuu G and Batsaikhan P (

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

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Meta Data

The company rejected to provide information. Four phone inquiries were made regarding the MOM questionnaire. Therefore, the limited open information sources were used.

Sources ; ; ; ; ;

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by