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Global Media Registry (GMR) & Press Institute of Mongolia - all rights reserved, published under Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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Global Media Registry

Mr. J. Myagmarsuren  

Myagmarsuren J is a writer and journalist. During 1996-1998, Myagmarsuren worked as an editor for the “Ardiin Erkh” newspaper, a major State publishing of that time. In 1999, he founded “Udriin Sonin” newspaper. His contribution to Mongolian media industry has been widely acclaimed, awarding him the “Medal of Honor” in 1994, “Altangadas” in 2005, and “Honorary Arts Merit Award” in 2009. Although, Myagmarsuren. J never held any political or public position, he is thought to have good relations within the Democratic Party. As a member of the Democratic Party, Myagmarsuren ran for election in Tuv Province. Observers claim that the newspaper editorial is widely influenced by the current President of Mongolia Elbegdorj Ts and the former Parliament Speaker Enkhbold Z.

Media Companies / Groups
Media Outlets


No information is available on other companies owned by the owner and Udriin medee LLC.

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Although, Myagmarsuren. J never held any political or public position he is thought to have good relations within the Democratic Party. As a member of the Democratic Party, Myagmarsuren ran for election in Tuv Province.
Observers claim that the newspaper editorial is widely influenced by the current President of Mongolia Elbegdorj Ts and the former Parliament Speaker Enkhbold Z.

Further Information

Data Unavailable

ownership data is not publicly available, company/channel denies the release of information or does not respond, no public record exists

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Meta Data

The company expressed that it will not participate in the survey on an inquiry phone call made after a week of handing out the survey questionnaire. Afterwards, the company submitted a letter stating that it will not participate. The newspaper also published an article criticizing the MOM project.
It was not easy to find information sources on the company, and no public information is available.


Mongolian Media Today 2016, Press Institute of Mongolia “Udriin sonin” issues for August, September, October 2016. T. Baasansuren, “The Mongolian democratic revolution in 1990 and the development of free press in Mongolia”. Ulaanbaatar, 2009. MOM interviews with experts.

  • Project by
    Press Institute of Mongolia
    Global Media Registry
  • Funded by